Sunday, December 4, 2011

The stores are brimming with decorations, shoppers, and shoplifters...

As the retail industry peaks at this time of year, so does shoplifting...

Ad Week has a list of the top ten items that are leaving the shelves, under cover:

1. Food – choice cuts of meat top the list. Supermarkets are now considered the stores with the most theft.

2. Liquor is another top hot commodity.

3. Power gadgets and tools are the most stolen items by men.

4. Electronics like smartphones and video games are slipping away and as many as 100,000 laptops are reported stolen annually from big box stores.

5. Disposable razors are expensive – and frequently stolen.

6. Items like deodorant and body wash are often stolen in mass quantities and resold at flea markets and corner stores. Axe and Dial are the hottest brands.

7. Clothing theft is up 31% since 2009.

8. Toys - Let's Rock Elmo is this year's must-have and most-stolen.

9. Expensive perfume - the sample bottles are most vulnerable.

10. High-end sneakers - thieves wear flip flops into the store, and something more valuable out.

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